Active FBA Inventory Analysis

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RIS-SC-1009 Active FBA Inventory Analysis

This query retrieves information about Amazon SKUs from a stock channel, specifically targeting ASINs and various Prime-related attributes. It checks for FBA status and the presence of different Prime templates (Nationwide Prime, SFP Small and Light, and Custom Orders – Prime). Additionally, it fetches the price from the ‘download’ schema based on the provided source and subsource parameters.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Active FBA Inventory Analysis 2
Active FBA Inventory Analysis

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column Name Description
Amazon.SKUAmazon SKU (ChannelSKU) of the item.
ASINASIN associated with the item.
FBA ASINIndicates whether the item is fulfilled by Amazon (FBA).
Nationwide PrimeIndicates whether the item is under the 'Nationwide Prime' template.
SFP Small and LightIndicates whether the item is under the 'SFP Small and Light' template.
Custom Orders - PrimeIndicates whether the item is under the 'Custom Orders - Prime' template.



This query fetches Amazon SKUs from a stock channel, extracting ASINs and various Prime-related attributes. It specifically checks for FBA status and the presence of different Prime templates (Nationwide Prime, SFP Small and Light, and Custom Orders – Prime). Additionally, it retrieves the price of the items from the ‘download’ schema based on the provided source and subsource parameters. The final result includes only items that are FBA ASINs and fall under at least one of the specified Prime templates, ordered by Amazon SKU.
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