Order Invoice Printing History

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RIS-SC-1001 Order Invoice Printing History

This query retrieves information about orders where an invoice has been printed within a specific time range. It includes the order ID, history note, timestamp of the action, and the user.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Order Invoice Printing History
Order Invoice Printing History 2

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column Name Description
nOrderIdThe ID of the order.

HistoryNoteNotes or comments associated with the order's history.
DateStampTimestamp of the action (when the invoice was printed).
UpdatedByUser who updated the order.



This query fetches order details where an invoice has been printed between the specified start and end dates. It provides essential information such as the order ID, relevant notes, timestamp of the action, and the user responsible for updating the order. The data retrieved can be useful for tracking invoice printing activities within a given time frame.
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