RIS-SM-1017 Shipping label Print To FTP
- 1. Go to Apps > Application Store >ShippingLabelAndSaveInFTP > click Install and follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.
- 2. Configure the macro.
- 3. Configure the rule in the screen.

Our Powerful Functionality

Generate Shipping Label
The macro generates a shipping label based on the provided identifier.

FTP Connection
It establishes a connection to the specified FTP server using the provided credentials.

Save Label
Once the connection is established, the macro uploads the generated shipping label to the designated file path on the FTP server.

Scheduled Execution
The macro can be scheduled to run at specified intervals or times as per the requirements.
Our App
Configure the macro
Go to Apps > Macro Configuration and click + Add new configuration.

Select the ShippingLabelAndSaveInFTP macro and click Create Configuration. .

In the Macro Configuration screen, specify the below details and click Save:

Make sure to enable the macro to continue with the schedule Engine configuration.

Usage of App
1. identifier: Unique identifier for the shipping label.
2. FTPServer: FTP server address.
3. FTPUserName: Username for FTP authentication.
4. FTPPassword: Password for FTP authentication.
5. FTPSSL: Boolean flag indicating whether SSL is enabled for the FTP connection.
6. FTPPort: Port number for the FTP connection.
7. FTPFilePath: Path where the shipping label will be saved on the FTP server.
1. The macro is invoked with the specified parameters, such as the identifier for the shipping label and FTP server details.
2. It processes the shipping label generation and FTP upload procedures.
3. The execution can be either manual or scheduled based on the requirements of the shipping process.
1. Upon successful execution, the shipping label associated with the provided identifier is generated and saved onto the specified FTP server at the designated file path.
2. If any errors occur during the process, appropriate error handling mechanisms should be implemented to notify users or log issues for debugging purposes.