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Multi-Channel Price Comparison

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RIS-SC-1005 Multi-Channel Price Comparison

This query compares prices of products listed on different channels (Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and a website) for a given keyword. It determines which channel offers the cheapest price for each product and provides comments based on the price comparisons.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Multi-Channel Price Comparison Description 3
Multi-Channel Price Comparison Description 2

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
LWSKUStock Keeping Unit (SKU) from Linnworks.
ItemTitleTitle of the item.
BarcodeNumberBarcode number of the item.
Amazon1.PricePrice of the item on Amazon.
Ebay1.PricePrice of the item on eBay.
Website.PricePrice of the item on the website.
Etsy1.PricePrice of the item on Etsy.
CommentsComment indicating the channel with the cheapest price for each item.



This query retrieves price information for products listed on different channels and compares them to determine the channel offering the cheapest price for each product. It allows searching for products based on a keyword and provides comments indicating which channel has the best price. The data can be useful for pricing strategy and competitive analysis across multiple sales channels.
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