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Sales Analysis of Processed Orders

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RIS-SC-1010 Sales Analysis of Processed Orders

This query retrieves data related to stock items including their category, SKU, current and minimum levels, units sold, orders, total sales, and bin rack number. It calculates the minimum level as half of the total units sold in the last 6 months. The data is filtered based on certain conditions such as order processing date, composite parent row ID, property name, and company name exclusion.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Inventory Sales Analysis by Category
Sales Analysis of Processed Orders 2

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
RNRow number within each category ordered by total units sold in descending order.
pCategoryCategory of the stock item.
SKUStock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item.
Current LevelCurrent stock level of the item.
Minimum LevelMinimum stock level calculated as half of the total units sold in the last 6 months.
Units Sold in last 6 monthsTotal units sold in the last 6 months.
Orders in last 6 monthsCount of orders containing the item in the last 6 months.
Total Sales in 6 monthsTotal sales revenue generated by the item in the last 6 months.
BinRackNumberBin rack number associated with the item.


This query aggregates information about stock items including their category, SKU, current and minimum levels, units sold, orders, total sales, and bin rack number. It calculates the minimum level as half of the total units sold in the last 6 months. The data is filtered based on specific conditions such as the processing date of orders, absence of composite parent row ID, property name (‘pCategory’), and exclusion of certain company names (e.g., ‘Amazon Fulfillment Center’). The result set is grouped by SKU, current level, category, and bin rack number.
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