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Product Commodity Codes

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RIS-SC-1008 Product Commodity Codes

This query retrieves the SKU (ItemNumber) and Commodity Code for stock items that match certain criteria. It joins the StockItem table with the Stockitem_ExtendedProperties table to retrieve the Commodity Code associated with each stock item.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Product Commodity Codes 2
Product Commodity Codes

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
SKUThe SKU / Item Number of the stock item.
CommodityCodeThe commodity code associated with the stock item.


This query selects the ItemNumber (SKU) and CommodityCode from the StockItem table, joined with the Stockitem_ExtendedProperties table to fetch the Commodity Code. It filters the results to include only active and non-archived items with SKU starting with ‘BL-‘ and having a non-null Commodity Code.
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