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Ebay Orders with Item Details

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RIS-SC-1007 Ebay Orders with Item Details

This query retrieves order details from the database for eBay transactions within a specified date range. It includes information such as order IDs, order dates, processed dates, buyer details, shipping information, line item details, and associated tags.
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Ebay Orders with Item Details

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
Linnworks OrderIdLinnworks-specific order ID
Channel OrderIdChannel-specific order ID (e.g., eBay)
Ebay.SiteIDeBay site ID (if available in XML)
Ebay.ItemNumbereBay item number (if available in XML)
Order DateDate when the order was placed
Processed DateDate when the order was processed
SourceSource of the order (e.g., eBay)
SubsourceSubsource of the order (e.g., eBay1)

Order TotalTotal charge of the order
TaxTax amount applied to the order
CurrencyCurrency used for the order
Tax RateTax rate applicable to the order
Full NameBuyer's full name
Address Line 1First line of the buyer's address

Address Line 2Second line of the buyer's address
Address Line 3Third line of the buyer's address
CityCity of the buyer's address

Post CodePostal code of the buyer's address
RegionRegion of the buyer's address

CountryCountry of the buyer's address
Contact NumberBuyer's contact number
Email AddressBuyer's email address
Buyer IdBuyer's ID on the channel
Order TagTag associated with the order (if any)
Shipping CarrierShipping carrier used for the order
Shipping ServiceShipping service used for the order
Tracking NumberTracking number for the order shipment
Channel SKUSKU associated with the order on the channel
Line Item SKUSKU of the line item in the order
Line Item TitleTitle of the line item in the order
Line Item PricePrice per unit of the line item
Postage CostCost of postage for the order
Line Item QtyQuantity of the line item ordered
BarcodeBarcode associated with the line item (if any)
Bin RackBin rack number associated with the line item



This SQL query retrieves comprehensive order details for eBay transactions within a specified date range, including order IDs, buyer information, shipping details, and line item specifics. It’s designed to provide a detailed overview of eBay orders processed within the given timeframe.
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