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Channel Inventory Aggregation by Source and Subsources

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RIS-SC-1012 Channel Inventory Aggregation by Source and Subsources

This query retrieves data from the Stock_ChannelList table, including information about linked SKUs, channel titles, listing IDs, and corresponding SKUs from the StockItem table. It allows filtering by source and subsource parameters.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Channel Inventory Aggregation by Source and Subsources
Channel Inventory Aggregation by Source and Subsources 2

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
Linked SKU Custom LabelCustom label associated with the linked SKU.
Channel TitleTitle of the item on the channel.
Listing IdID of the listing on the channel.
SKUStock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item.
SourceSource of the item (e.g., 'AMAZON').
SubsourceSubsource of the item (e.g., 'Trimming Shop', 'Wedding Decor - UK').
rownumRow number within the result set.



This query retrieves data from the Stock_ChannelList table, including information about linked SKUs, channel titles, listing IDs, and corresponding SKUs from the StockItem table. It allows filtering by source and subsource parameters, and the result set is grouped by source, subsource, SKU, linked SKU custom label, channel title, listing ID, and row number.
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