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FBA Shipment Task Details

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RIS-SC-1017 FBA Shipment Task Details

This query retrieves information related to warehouse transfers. It includes details such as transfer name, due date, followers, assignee, and subtasks associated with a specific transfer ID.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
FBA Shipment Task Details 2
FBA Shipment Task Details

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
NameName of the transfer or subtask
Due DateDue date of the transfer or subtask
FollowersEmail addresses of followers for the transfer
AssigneeEmail address of the assignee responsible
Subtask OfParent transfer ID for subtasks



This SQL query retrieves detailed information about a warehouse transfer specified by the transfer ID. It includes the transfer name, due date, followers, assignee, and subtasks associated with the transfer. The query provides a comprehensive overview of the transfer and its related tasks.
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