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Inventory Sales Analysis by Category

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RIS-SC-1019 Inventory Sales Analysis by Category

This query retrieves data related to stock items, including their category, SKU, current and minimum levels, units sold, orders, and total sales within the last 6 months. It utilizes various tables such as StockItem, OrderItem, Order, StockItem_ExtendedProperties, StockLevel, and StockLocation.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Inventory Sales Analysis by Category 2
Inventory Sales Analysis by Category

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
RNRow number over partition by PropertyValue ordered by sum of Quantity sold descending
pCategoryCategory of the stock item
SKUStock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item
Current LevelCurrent level of the stock item in the default location
Minimum LevelMinimum level of the stock item (half of units sold in the last 6 months)
Units Sold in last 6 monthsTotal units sold for the item in the last 6 months
Orders in last 6 monthsNumber of orders containing the item in the last 6 months
Total Sales in 6 monthsTotal sales value for the item in the last 6 months


This SQL query provides insights into stock item performance, including its category, SKU, current and minimum levels, units sold, orders, and total sales within the last 6 months. It calculates minimum level as half of the units sold in the last 6 months and retrieves data from various related tables. The query is designed to offer comprehensive analysis of stock item activity over a specified period.
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