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Sales By Sub Source Channels

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RIS-SC-1002 Sales By Sub Source Channels

This query retrieves stock item information with their associated images and quantities for a specified date range. It pivots the data based on the sub-source of the items. The image URLs are constructed dynamically using the item’s image ID and a hash of the database name.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
Sales By Sub Source Channels
Sales By Sub Source Channels 2

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
ImageURL of the stock item's image.
Product TypeType of the product.
SKUStock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item.
TitleTitle or name of the item.
InStockQuantity of the item in stock.
[Subsource]Quantities of the item for each sub-source.



This query retrieves detailed information about stock items including their images, product types, SKUs, titles, and quantities in stock within a specified date range. It dynamically constructs image URLs using a hash of the database name and the item’s image ID. The data is pivoted based on sub-sources, providing a comprehensive view of stock quantities across different sources.
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