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Auto File Manifest

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RIS-SM-2040 Auto File Manifest

The “AutoFileManifest” macro automates the process of filing manifests for shipping accounts integrated with Linnworks. It enables seamless generation of manifests and facilitates email notifications with manifest attachments to designated recipients.
There are three steps you need to complete to start using the macro:
Auto Archive Inventory 2
Auto Archive Inventory


Our Powerful Functionality

Comprehensive functionality designed for efficiency and ease of use
Frame 1
Frame 2

Manifest Filing

1. Retrieves a list of shipping accounts from Linnworks.
2. For each account, initiates the filing of a manifest via the Linnworks API.
3. Monitors manifest status and ensures pending manifests are processed.

Frame 1
Frame 2

Email Notification

1. Generates a PDF label for each successfully filed manifest.
2. Sends an email notification to the specified recipient containing the manifest PDF attachment.
3. Handles errors gracefully and logs progress for monitoring purposes.

Our App

Configure the macro

Once the AutoFileManifest app is installed:


Usage of App


1. Vendor: Identifier for the shipping service provider.
2. AccountId: Unique identifier for the shipping account within Linnworks.
3. email: Email address of the recipient for notification.


1. Configuration
- Set up the email server details (ServerName, port, username, password, useSSL) within the code.
- Ensure the Linnworks API endpoint (https://eu-ext.linnworks.net/api/ShippingService/) is accessible and authorized.
2. Scheduling
- Configure the macro to run on a predefined schedule using a rules engine or scheduling mechanism.
3. Execution
- At the scheduled time, the macro automatically triggers the Execute method.
- The method fetches shipping account information from Linnworks.
- For each account, it attempts to file a manifest using the ApiPost method.
- Upon successful filing, it generates a PDF label for the manifest.


1. The macro ensures timely filing of manifests for all configured shipping accounts.
2. Email notifications are sent to the specified recipient, containing the manifest PDF attachments.
3. Logs are maintained to track the progress and handle any errors encountered during execution.

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