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SKU Details: Size, Colour, and Quantity

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RIS-SC-1016 SKU Details: Size, Colour, and Quantity

This query retrieves information about stock items from the StockItem table based on a search parameter for the item number (SKU). It selects columns such as SKU, item title, size, color, and pack/quantity. The query also joins with the Stockitem_ExtendedProperties table to fetch additional properties like size, color, and pack/quantity based on their respective property names.
How to generate the report: a step-by-step guide
SKU Details: Size, Colour, and Quantity

Reported Values

The report returns the following values:
Column NameDescription
SKUStock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item.
ItemTitleTitle of the item.
SizeSize of the item (if available).
ColourColor of the item (if available).
Pack/QtyPack or quantity information of the item (if available).



This query fetches data from the StockItem table for items matching a provided search parameter for the item number (SKU). It retrieves additional information such as item title, size, color, and pack/quantity by joining with the Stockitem_ExtendedProperties table based on their respective property names. The results are filtered to exclude logically deleted and archived items and are sorted by SKU.
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